คะแนนรวม 4.5


- ส.ค. 26, 2555
คะแนน: 4
it is a very nice ring the first one i ordered was missing a diamond but i called lenya and they gave my a ups slip so the return shipping was free and they sent me a new one right away


- ส.ค. 06, 2555
คะแนน: 4
Am very happy with my product Sterling Siver CZ Wedding Band, Thanks so much.


- ก.ค. 20, 2555
คะแนน: 5
This ring is really beautiful. Everyone thinks it's made from diamonds and gold. That's my secret. Workmanship is excellent, size is perfect and sparkle of CZ's is awesome.


- ก.ค. 17, 2555
คะแนน: 5
My ring is so gorgeous and i was so surprised and excited when i got it! we love it.


- ก.ค. 03, 2555
คะแนน: 5
This is a pretty little ring that I expect to get a lot of good use out of. I love its versatility as it can easily be worn as an everyday piece or saved for more special occasions.


- มิ.ย. 19, 2555
คะแนน: 4
I bought this ring for my Mom for Mother's day and she loved it. It really is stunning in person. I would highly recommend this ring to all who are thinking of purchasing it.